Sunday, August 30

This Week in PvP...

How did the week begin?

"If you'd bothered to call ahead I would have put on a pot of coffee."

And how did it end?


What did we learn in-between?

Cole has daddy issues to go along with his myriad of other issues. Brent Sienna has an insatiable appetite for Cole Sr.'s ice-cream sandwiches. Cole's dad was the super space cadet, and he enjoys a little time with the ole' pipe. Finally, it was COLE who broke the Hummel figurines, wrapping up an obscure plot point from the beta season of PvP Online, and Brent suspects that Cole Sr.'s kitchen is magical. An investigation by Skull may be pending.

What's Up Next Week?

The BanthaCon, inevitable disappointment for both Cole and his father, shenanigans involving Brent and Jade. Francis discovers he has a clone?


In semi-PvP news;
check out the PA/PVP/WW DND podcast (Wow that's a lot of initials) which you can find right here:

Listen And Learn From It.

Or, learn why Scott Kurtz would rather you didn't do spec work here:

Angry Comments!


Comic of the Week:

Circle of Life

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with Scott re: spec work. People try to hold "web design competitions" all the time, which amount to nothing more than spec work.

    It's insulting.


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