Tuesday, September 1



This week is really washing the taste of last week out of my mouth... although, it simultaneously has affirmed that last week was a lot of nonsense, story-wise. Cole (And he doesn't seem to have fallen far from the Richards tree, judging by last week) is not a smart man -- but, hey, neither was Forrest Gump.

The story this week picks up an ambiguous period of time later than last week. The devil is in the details, and they've been awfully sparse: Seemingly, Mr. Richards has literally no idea as to what's going on. But for them to have a booth and to have booked his appearance (Both at what seems like a really fair-sized, if not huge, convention. And he's the top draw, according to last week's flyer! Was that a home-brewed ad from Cole?), Cole has had plenty of time to teach his father about the pros of cons. And hasn't -- or else he has, but his dad has Alzheimer's (Which would explain a lot, but would also suck the humor right out of everything). I don't really want either of those to be the case.

Panel 2: "heh! They saw you coming from a mile away." -- I'm stumped. I have no idea what Mr. Richards is talking about, which enforces the impression of senility I'm getting from him.

Panel 4: "This is why were [sic] here." The emphasis is odd and the sentence makes it seem like Cole took Mr. Richards to the con without any kind of warning or explanation (Yet he seems exasperated, so that's doubtful). Why not, "This is why we're here, remember?" Also, Mr. Richards' cheek lines don't look as good when they're seen from the side and go all the way down to the collar -- it makes his mouth look like a marionette's, or a nutcracker's.

So, right, my point is that the jokes are really decent this week... but the setup is lacking something. A little half-flashback-of-advice and half-current-disregarding-of-said-advice would have made Cole look more sympathetic, for instance. This week is bringing good ideas (Unless you are really tired of "let's imagine an old guy who doesn't 'get it' talking about nerd stuff" scenarios. That does bring a certain PVP "character" to mind), but they're not flowing smoothly.


  1. "heh! They saw you coming from a mile away" - The inference is that the DVD's are sold to suckers. Sort of like,"I've got a bridge to sell you!"

  2. Interesting, thanks. I've never heard it used that way, although I'm acquainted with the version that means "you were really obvious".

  3. So far, Sr's clueless cantankerousness is reminding me of Abe Simpson. In particular, his first line at BanthaCON - "I have no idea what's happening to me right now." just seemed disjointed in it's context.

    Otherwise, I do agree, the jokes are ok.

  4. Like Father, No Fun - It didn't take very long to repeat this joke.

    So far, BanthaCON isn't filled with anything resembling gut-busting laughter. And, even the most dense reader can comprehend the underlying motif of "kicking and screaming" given off by the reluctant Mr. Richards. But, the delivery just isn't grabbing me.

    I think the humor might be better served if approached from an atypical viewpoint (in PVP format) for the reader. Maybe momentarily spotlighting some of the ambient characters at the CON, while maintaining the Richards' as background targets/participants/instigators for the humor.

    What's really missing, for me, is an attempt on Sr's part to find something to enjoy while he's there. It doesn't have to be a successful venture. But, anything to show that he tried to do more than just participate in a car ride and sit at a booth.

    There's still a wrap-up coming for this arc, and I'm trying to stay positive. But, this week hasn't done much to change my opinion from the "Misty Watercolor" post. It isn't really even tying up loose ends. As it is, I almost wish the arc ended at the poster.

  5. Oi vey. Once again some nice art and an interesting character have been murdered by a poorly conceived storyline.

  6. You Slay Me - The more I think about panel $, the more I just can't help but picture the Richards' as Muppets.

  7. Recipe For Disaster -

    Positives -

    - Although I'm not a fan of the LOLBAT, it's a bit of a welcome change from BanthaCON.

    - The detail work for Croc Pot and the Commissioner are well-done for original characters.

    - The plot of this particular strip makes our hero and villian seem like "anti-" versions. I likz it cuz I hatz LOLBATs.

    Negatives -

    - The LOLBAT's one line in the comic seems like a forced leet-speak to me.

    - The detail work on the Commissioner and Croc Pot are fine enough to make the LOLBAT look a bit out of sorts.

    - The complete lack of background isn't quite what I would use to remind the audience of the lack of budget for the later Adam West Batman episodes. (Not to say that it was intentional on the author's part.)

    - There's no fourth panel showing Croc Pot biting off LOLBAT's face. I wantz it cuz I hatz LOLBATs.

    P.S. - I'm still left with the uncertainty of whether or not the Sr./Jr. story arc has come to an end.


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