Monday, August 24

Monday. MONDAY. Monnndaaaayy.

Scott's tweets assure us that there is a Monday comic percolating out there, somewhere. If it ever finds it's way onto the interwebs I will edit this into a discussion thread about it. I guess he must have had a busy weekend.

On a related note, there is a common theory going around, which TheOriginalJes put very eloquently back on the original PVPMMS, and I shall repost here:

"On another note, Scott's business concerns/model have obviously shifted from the point craftsmanship of original art to teaching and personal celebrity."-

I have no personal problems with your business model (i.e. your comic, webcasts, books, appearances, etc.) If I could do it, I would. I have no problems admitting that.

But, you're putting A LOT of time into your webcasts and uStreams, forums, and twitters vs. your actual craft. You told Merlin Mann that it only takes you about an hour to draw a strip. That's not alot of time for the centerpiece of your business.

( There's a post under today's comic at LICD where Sohmer talks about how many people it takes to do what you're trying to do.

You've been stretching yourself thinner and thinner over the past three years. And, after PVP hit the ten-year mark, you started to really push the personal appearances over the actual books. So isn't it possible that your fans might notice this in your work?

As we wait, not necessarily patiently, for the most recent comic I think it's fair to wonder if Scott's many endeavors are keeping him from working ahead so that he can produce the best work he is capable of in a timely manner. I'm sure it's frustrating to feel that you can't put your best artwork forward because of time constraints; as Scott implied via Twitter:

pvponlineI thought I could knock this out real fast today and that's why I should have worked ahead. God damn it. What's wrong with me.
Scott Kurtz
pvponlineI know today's strip is late. But I have a new character and there's a potential for him to look awesome despite my lack of practice on him

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