Friday, October 23

LOLBAT is Butler! Butler is Rex Roffle! Rex Roffle is LOLBAT! Continuity is for losers!

Since Kurtz probably doesn't want to hear it from me, I'll hand the floor to astute reader


"I do think it's a shame that Scott chose to do the ridiculous "Lolbat as Kent" strip, since it takes away from the reveal to have Lolbat have two secret identities. Plus, frankly, the Tick did that gag better years ago."

All I want to know is what kind of hours do Rex Roffle and Butler work to pull that off!


  1. Wasn't there previously a strip portraying Lolbat as a child granted powers in a similar fashion to Captain Marvel? I kind of liked that one. What's the Kent one being referred to?

  2. In yesterday's strip, LOLbat's alter-ego was revealed to be mild-mannered reporter Rex Roffle.

  3. Oh yeah, I missed that one.

    Man, the guy works for a millionaire and still needs two extra jobs.

  4. I don't think that's particularly true. Assholes, maybe. But not necessarily looking to shit on you every single day, as such.

    I think that the Part IV was a good strip, and I also thought that Upstairs Downstairs was a good strip. It's just that both of them existing detracts from each other.

    This is from someone who is not a fan of LOLBAT in general. Though, I'm the guy you say doesn't exist. I don't love him, and I don't hate him. I just couldn't care less.

    It's really a neat idea to have the butler being the one who has the secret identity. If I had to choose between one of the two strips, that's the idea that I prefer. Though I do like that he is in full costume, just wearing street clothes as his mild mannered disguise.

    The problem is that the continuity between the two stories really works with him being Butler. And now that it's revealed, I believe that was your intention all along. They are drawn very similarly. And it's really kind of neat that you did that and kept it under your hat for this long.

    That said, the novelty of the continuity between the two seemingly disparate strips is sullied by the LOLBAT having to maintain two full time jobs.

    There's a saying with writers that sometimes you have to "kill your babies." What that means is that sometimes you write something that you really like a lot, but it just doesn't really work in the context that you have it in. Usually it's a really well worded phrase or something. In this case, it's Part IV. It's a nice one-shot comic, but it would have served the greater story better had it been left out.

    Incidentally, why is Upstairs, Downstairs not Part V? Because Lois is no longer present? Just seems weird, yet unimportant, that the big reveal, which was the real purpose of the week long arc isn't numbered with the rest of the arc.

  5. I wasn't defecating over anybody or anything. An ardent fan of PVP would have been comfortable saying everything within the conversation which was responded to so rudely. I take it that the "very, VERY angry emails" that you seemed to affect a comfortable acceptance of weren't quite as angry as a couple of lighthearted quips?


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